Sunday, April 8, 2012

He Arose!

Christ is alive!

He died for me, so, I choose to live for Him!  If I am alive in Christ, I am no longer in rebellion against Him.  The world and its ways are no longer attractive to me - no longer control me.  Satan's only strength is what I yield (give over) to him.

You are in control of your eternity insomuch as you choose Christ - or, by not choosing Him, you choose Satan.

If you SAY you've chosen Christ, but live and enjoy the world's ways, there is very little evidence that you gave Him your heart.  The Bible says we will know you by your fruits (growing evidence of your becoming more Christ-like.)  If you've behaved in a way that has your friends conscious of their language around you, if they come and ask you questions about the Bible, if you spend more time worrying about others rather than worrying about all of your own problems, then your spiritual fruit is evident to others.  If no one else has noticed your relationship with Christ - well, it's probably not much of a relationship.

Whaddya gonna do now?

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