Monday, January 23, 2012

Eeewww! Stinky!

They're advertising "Hot Booties" on TV.  Mmmm.  Sounds warm and snuggly.  Wait a minute.  How do they get warm?  Microwave them?  Well, maybe...  

NOT!  Get those things out of MY microwave.  Microwaves are for FOOD not FEET.  Oh my golly, feet STINK - they have all kinds of icky things going on between those toes, not to mention TOE JAM!  And the bottoms of those booties have been draggin' around on the FLOOR? Who keeps their floors clean enough to eat off of?  This idea has to be the ultimate in yukky poo.  Sorry guys, but you're not gettin' MY money, and if anyone tries to put their Hot Booties in my microwave I'm gonna wallop 'em!

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Have you seen the new laptop computer carts?  They are on casters, are height adjustable, have shelves that fold out or pull out for the mouse, pens, paper, thumb drives...  I'm seriously thinking about getting one.  They're not cheap though - well, I saw one at Big Lots for about $40, but a quality one online is triple that.

I've always wanted an adjustable height desk so that I could stand up instead of sitting on my ever-expanding rump for hours at a time.  It would exercise my leg muscles increasing my balance (a major concern ever since I struggled with that vertigo a few weeks ago), and it would exercise my back muscles, too.  Being as it's on casters it could move from me during the day to where John is in the evening, from the den to the living room or bedroom - or even kitchen for recipes or webcam chats while I'm cooking.  Everything is wireless now.  We could tether it to the charger at bedtime...  Now, if I could just get it to follow me from room to room like a puppy dog.

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I've discovered a new eye drop.  The form of arthritis I have causes serious dry eye (dry everything, really).  I have prescription eye drops, but I can only use them twice a day.  This new stuff, Systane Balance, provides "prolonged lipid layer restoration."  It really makes a difference in how often I have to use non-prescription eye drops throughout the day.  At Wal-Mart it was $11 for a one-ounce bottle.   Considering you literally use it one drop at a time, one ounce lasts a long time, but still, 's not cheap.  My eyes surely do appreciate it though.

And speaking of eyes, I also take PreserVision (as in Preserve Vision) AREDS 2 Formula.  It has Lutein and Omega-3 along with a plethera of daily vitamin and minerals. (For all you young whipper-snappers out there, "AREDS" stands for Age Related Eye Disease Syndrome.)  This stuff is not cheap either:  $ 28 a bottle.  Put that with the eye drops and it tears a $50 bill all to pieces...  

But my momma talks about her namesake, Aunt Jo, who apparently lived with her folks for a time - or momma remembers it that way - and this Aunt Jo would just sit in her rocking chair in front of the fireplace all day.  Now momma is wondering if it was because Aunt Jo was blind or maybe lost so much vision from AREDS that she didn't feel safe getting up and about.  Momma's vision is going from glaucoma and macular degeneration (she'll be 92 in a few months), and my arthritis-related vision may be headed in the same direction.  Vision is priceless.  If daily eye drops and vitamins might help keep me from being dependent on family I just bet I can afford them - and I just bet I'd be lookin' into a seeing-eye dog, too!  HE'D follow me from room to room whether the computer cart would or not!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I have a product called Nutraview that my sister attests to, about helping with dry eyes. It helps with macula and lens health too and so much more. I have a bottle for you to try. If it helps I can let you know how to get this for much less than the quotes you have here on other products.