THE reason we decided to go to Kingman's History Museum is because ....
... nearly every time we asked the kids what they wanted to do, this lil' guy would wanna go to a museum!! (I knew he was my grandchild!)
My daughter-in-law wanted to be certain no one got lost in our travels, so she bought neon-colored t-shirts for everyone and had the kids decorate one side and make a statement on the other. I'll be showing them to you throughout the posts. I have some very talented artists coming up!
The museum's presentation of the story of the native Hualapai and the Paiute, etc., really caught their attention.
"he called the waliapai, the next paiute, hopi, etc. these he made into a bundle and laid them in the east. when they came alive it was day and they all came back to live around wikame."
"but quarrels broke out which became more bitter as the days went by so"
"tudjupa decided to separate them into tribes as he had planned in the beginning"
"he gave the mohave rules and instructions how to live and left them at wikame"
(Here is where it gets really interesting!)

"the ground will be covered with thorns so to protect your feet make sandals, thongs, of yucca and cover them with pinon gum"
"all this is for you. now do as I have told you so I may see that you have learned everything right"
"and we did so, free and happy to follow the natural course of our lives,
hunting, gathering, and living with the land"
"but from the east white men came with lust for land and gold
driving us from our springs and homes and hunting us like deer"
"and with the whites came a new sickness and a new death forcing upon us a way of life outside of our experience."
"we fought to keep ourselves intact" |
"we were isolated from our source of life - our land - left homeless and herded without a country and the old way was ripped from our souls"
"fragmented and broken as we were, this strange way of life failed to fill the hole from which our own tradition had been torn - we lost the roots of our being which had held us to the earth, our past, and had nourished us with the image of what we were"
But my natives were getting restless,
and the next thing I knew there were "danger" signals in the gold mine.
They were ready to explode!
and my whole crew ended up in the calaboose!